1) Altos feels pleasure that you make up your mind and agree to become a self employed and independent Distributor to sell its products to consumers by using its sales and direct marketing system. You are not an employee representative of Altos nor a partnership is created between the parties of this Agreement, therefore you have no authority to bind the company in any contract with other parties. All sales to you shall be on Principle-To-Principle basis.
2) You will comply with all central, state, local laws, taxes and licenses etc. applying from time to time as imposed by the government to your /their sales & direct marketing business. You must present the products in truthful and honest manner and make only those claims as per labels of products and can not sell the products for a price exceeding the maximum retail price.
3) As an independent distributor you can purchase the products at the Distributor price from the company and agree to pay fully all transactions without need of demand for it. In addition, only you will get commission Bonus, Royalty on business value of current month. The company may change its commission Bonus / Royalty system at any time and in anyway as well as its Terms & Conditions set out in Altos System without any notice.
4) You are an independent person, have sole authority to make judgments, systems where & how the products to be sell, avail all its earnings applicable as per Altos System and after you, your nominee will be eligible to get all the earnings if he/she continues to work for the company.
5) This Agreement and Appointment Letter re-enforces and qualities the Terms and Conditions set forth in Altos System is entered into a personal basis and may not be assigned or transferred by the Distributor to a third party without the prior written consent of the Company on some genuine cases.
6) You/We agree to abide by the said Rules of Business including Amendments therein to be published or noticed to you / us by the Company from time to time.
7) Either of us may terminate this Agreement and Appointment Letter at will in case of you / us breaching any stipulation in Altos System / Rules and Regulations without entering into legal proceedings to require, such termination. In case of termination of a distributor, the bv earned from the downline thereafter shall be transferred to the account of the company.
8) You agree that Altos may reject this Application for Registration due to any reason at its discretion, including if the Application Form contains incomplete, inaccurate, false or misleading information, any alteration or modification will be subject to verification.
9) To purchase products as a Distributor one should send payment by Bank Draft / Pay Order / Money Order payable at Ludhiana or in Cash at Company Regd. Office.
10) This Agreement and Undertaking including the distributor Application form should be fully complete and accepted by the applicant(s). In case of sole proprietorship or partnership concerns, Distributor Application Form will be accepted by, the authorized concerned person. After Registration Company, will issue an Altos Distributor Number for the identification. Altos have all rights to reject any application for registration.
11) All disputes subject to exclusive Ludhiana Jurisdiction only
12) Accept Altos Good Wishes, Good Luck as you are going to start your own sales and direct marketing business of its products following Altos Sales and Marketing System.
· I affirm that I have read and understood Terms & Condition, Rules of Conduct and Undertaking. I confirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I take full responsibility for the same with commitment that any false information given by me will be grounds for rejection of my Application. I accepted this agreement to its contents at online by me.
1) As a basic guideline in my activities as an Altos Distributor, I will endeavor to always treat others, as I would have them treat me.
2) I will respect and follow this Code of Ethics and the Rules of Conduct observing not only “the letter” but also ‘the spirit’ thereof.
3) I will be courteous and prompt in the handling of any and all claims for exchange and return and follow the procedures prescribed by Altos from time to time in its official publications.
4) I will conduct myself in such a manner as to reflect only the highest standards of integrity, frankness and responsibility because I recognize that my conduct as an Altos Distributors has far-reaching effects.
5) I will accept and carry out the responsibilities of an Altos Distributor (and those of Sponsor and Direct Distributor when I reach such level), as set forth in official Altos publications.
6) In my ALTOS product sales activities, and for the purposes of protecting the Altos Sales and Marketing System, I will use only Altos produced or Altos authorized publications.
7) I will not engage myself in any activities which may cause bad reputation to Altos or any Altos products & services any offence performed by me may result in termination of my registration.
8) I as an Altos distributor will present Altos products and the Altos sales & marketing system to all distributors in a very truthful and honest manner which is approved in official Altos literatures.
9) I shall not give any impression by introducing myself as employee and manager or representative of Altos nor use such technical word relating to this subject on their stationary or other printed matter.
10) I shall conduct myself in such a manner as to reflect only the highest standards of integrity, frankness & responsibility because I recognize that my conduct as an Altos distributor has effect considerably.
1) Being above 18 years of age I have carefully read and understood the details of Business System /Terms and Conditions / Rules and Regulations of the Company and the contents of the Undertaking and the Agreement have been explained to me in the language I understand and agree to abide by them and therefore wish to join Altos as a Distributor to market its products.
2) I undertake that I shall abide by the Rules and Regulations of the company and that I fulfill the minimum terms and conditions of becoming a distributor of the company.
3) I undertake not to claim any refund of the down payment of the price paid by me to the Company for any reason whatsoever.
4) I will not oversell nor give false promises or hopes to my prospective customers and will take personal responsibility for any and all complaints from my customers and downline.
5) I have been explained the risk factors and have gone through the relevant documents.
6) I have accepted the above undertaking voluntarily and I am doing so without being under any undue influence, misrepresentation or concern.
7) I am aware that the Incentive/ Commission as per the Business System cannot be earned by me if I am unsuccessful in my distribution and I will not hold the company responsible.